NSA Science of Security Research Initiative
Current NSA Science of Security Efforts


NSA Science of Security Research Lablets   
Established to stimulate basic research to create scientific underpinnings for security; advocate for scientific rigor in security research create and broaden a Science of Security community and culture; identify "Hard Problems" in security that require science as a community focus and measurement of progress.   
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SecUrity and REsilience for cyber-physical systems  (SURE) Project   
Funded to develop foundations and tools for designing, building, and assuring cyber-physical systems (CPS) that can maintain essential system properties in the presence of adversaries. The technology base of SURE will provide CPS designers and operators with models, methods, and tools that can be integrated with an end-to-end model-based design flow and tool chain.   
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Science of Security Virtual Organization   
Established to provide a focal point for security science related work, and collaborative environment the community can use to further advance security science.   
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The Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition   
The Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition is sponsored yearly by NSA's Research Directorate and reflects the Agency's desire to increase scientific rigor in the cybersecurity field. This competition was established to recognize current research that exemplifies the development of scientific rigor in cybersecurity research. SoS is a broad enterprise, involving both theoretical and empirical work across a diverse set of topics. While there can only be one best paper, no single paper can span the full breadth of SoS topics. Nevertheless, work in all facets of security science is both needed and encouraged.   
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Annual Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS)   
HotSoS is a research event centered on the Science of Security, which aims to address the fundamental problems of security in a principled manner. The motivation behind the nascent Science of Security is to understand how computing systems are architected, build, used, and maintained with a view to understanding and addressing security challenges systematically across their life cycle.   
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Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)   
The NSA Research Award at ISEF recognizes outstanding scientific accomplishment in cybersecurity. Criteria of selction include impact and generalization of results, novel aspects of project, quality of science communication and reflective of scientific principles.   
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