Network Security Intrusion Detection and Mass Alarms Under Cluster Computing Platform

Intrusion Intolerance - Network intrusion detection technology has developed for more than ten years, but due to the network intrusion is complex and variable, it is impossible to determine the function of network intrusion behaviour. Combined with the research on the intrusion detection technology of the cluster system, the network security intrusion detection and mass alarms are realized. Method: This article starts with an intrusion detection system, which introduces the classification and workflow. The structure and working principle of intrusion detection system based on protocol analysis technology are analysed in detail. Results: With the help of the existing network intrusion detection in the network laboratory, the Synflood attack has successfully detected, which verified the flexibility, accuracy, and high reliability of the protocol analysis technology. Conclusion: The high-performance cluster-computing platform designed in this paper is already available. The focus of future work will strengthen the functions of the cluster-computing platform, enhancing stability, and improving and optimizing the fault tolerance mechanism.

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