Intrusion detection model based on security knowledge in online network courses

Network Intrusion Detection - Intrusion detection is important in the defense in depth network security framework and a hot topic in computer network security in recent years. In this paper, an effective method for anomaly intrusion detection with low overhead and high efficiency is presented and applied to monitor the abnormal behavior of processes. The method is based on rough set theory and capable of extracting a set of detection rules with the minimum size to form a normal behavior model from the record of system call sequences generated during the normal execution of a process. Based on the network security knowledge base system, this paper proposes an intrusion detection model based on the network security knowledge base system, including data filtering, attack attempt analysis and situation assessment engine. In this model, evolutionary self organizing mapping is used to discover multi - target attacks of the same origin; The association rules obtained by time series analysis method are used to correlate online alarm events to identify complex attacks scattered in time; Finally, the corresponding evaluation indexes and corresponding quantitative evaluation methods are given for host level and LAN system level threats respectively. Compared with the existing IDS, this model has a more complete structure, richer knowledge available, and can more easily find cooperative attacks and effectively reduce the false positive rate.

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Conference Location
Frankfurt, Germany
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