Computer Network Security Encryption Technology Based on Neural Network

Neural Network Security - With the rapid development of computer networks and information technology today, people are more inclined to use network systems to achieve various data exchanges. Alibaba, Tencent and other companies virtual payment has become the mainstream payment method. Due to the globalization and openness of the network, anyone can freely enter and exit, which brings huge hidden dangers to NS(network security). NS has become an important issue that we have to face. Once important information is stolen, it is likely to cause very large losses to individuals and even the society. This article mainly studies the computer NS encryption technology of neural network. First of all, the current situation of computer NS is comprehensively reflected from the two aspects of domestic Internet users and NS penetration rate in recent years. By 2020, the number of Chinese residents using the Internet has reached 1.034 billion, and 77.3\% of Internet users are generally aware of NS. Secondly, it analyzes the effect of NN(neural network) on computer NS encryption technology. The results show that the use of NN in computer encryption technology not only helps to improve security and convenience, but also prevents the secondary transmission of data and prevents related information leakage.

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San Antonio, TX, USA
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