Software Defined Perimeter Monitoring and Blockchain-Based Verification of Policy Mapping

Predictive Security Metrics - With the emergence of Zero Trust (ZT) Architecture, industry leaders have been drawn to the technology because of its potential to handle a high level of security threats. The Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is paving the path for a security industrial revolution by eliminating location-based implicant access and focusing on asset, user, and resource security. Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) is a secure overlay network technology that can be used to implement a Zero Trust framework. SDP is a next-generation network technology that allows network architecture to be hidden from the outside world. It also hides the overlay communication from the underlay network by employing encrypted communications. With encrypted information, detecting abnormal behavior of entities on an overlay network becomes exceedingly difficult. Therefore, an automated system is required. We proposed a method in this paper for understanding the normal behavior of deployed polices by mapping network usage behavior to the policy. An Apache Spark collects and processes the streaming overlay monitoring data generated by the built-in fabric API in order to do this mapping. It sends extracted metrics to Prometheus for storage, and then uses the data for machine learning training and prediction. The cluster-id of the link that it belongs to is predicted by the model, and the cluster-ids are mapped onto the policies. To validate the legitimacy of policy, the labeled polices hash is compared to the actual polices hash that is obtained from blockchain. Unverified policies are notified to the SDP controller for additional action, such as defining new policy behavior or marking uncertain policies.

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Takamatsu, Japan
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