Privacy and Security Awareness for Sensitive/Non-sensitive Data based Wearable Devices

Wearables Security 2022 - In recent years, technological industry has made a large investment in the design of wearable devices. Wearable devices are attractive to a variety of different age groups within the majority of population. The main reasons for such popularity are related to ease of wear and friendly use, affordable prices with competitive products, as well as providing different services. Usually, wearable devices are collecting different kinds of data. Some of these data are sensitive and personal data of the wearer/user. Such data can be attacked, leaked, misused or edited. Therefore, privacy and security issues are among the main important issues to be considered carefully and discussed clearly when wearable devices are designed and used. Presenting unclear privacy and security strategies will lead the user to mistrust wearable technology with its application. In this research, we present our proposed wearable security protocol to create a secure environment of wearable data and their processing. The main idea of our protocol is to secure the identity of people as well as hiding their sensitive and personal data. Meanwhile, it does not affect the quality of data when applying their mining techniques. The protocol can be used for any kind of data with any application while keeping the user’s privacy and security properties. Moreover, it can be easily understood, implemented, and processed, in addition to any update might be needed.

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Karachi, Pakistan
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