AutomationML use for Safety and Security Risk Assessment in Industrial Control Systems

The increasing complexity and interconnectedness of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) necessitate the integration of safety and security measures. Ensuring the protection of both personnel and critical assets has become a necessity. As a result, an integrated risk assessment approach is essential to comprehensively identify and address potential hazards and vulnerabilities. However, the data sources needed for an integrated risk assessment comes in many forms. In this context, Automation Markup Language (AutomationML or AML) emerges as a valuable solution to facilitate data exchange and integration in the risk assessment process. The benefits of utilizing AML include improved interoperability, enhanced documentation, and seamless collaboration between stakeholders. A model, filled with information relevant to integrated risk assessment, is developed to illustrate the effectiveness of AML. Ultimately, this paper showcases how AML serves as a valuable information model in meeting the growing need for comprehensive safety and security risk assessment in ICSs.

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