Comprehensive Analysis and Remediation of Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) Vulnerabilities in Android APIs

The escalating visibility of secure direct object reference (IDOR) vulnerabilities in API security, as indicated in the compilation of OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks, highlights a noteworthy peril to sensitive data. This study explores IDOR vulnerabilities found within Android APIs, intending to clarify their inception while evaluating their implications for application security. This study combined the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Insights were obtained from an actual penetration test on an Android app into the primary reasons for IDOR vulnerabilities, underscoring insufficient input validation and weak authorization methods. We stress the frequent occurrence of IDOR vulnerabilities in the OWASP Top 10 API vulnerability list, highlighting the necessity to prioritize them in security evaluations. There are mitigation recommendations available for developers, which recognize its limitations involving a possibly small and homogeneous selection of tested Android applications, the testing environment that could cause some inaccuracies, and the impact of time constraints. Additionally, the study noted insufficient threat modeling and root cause analysis, affecting its generalizability and real-world relevance. However, comprehending and controlling IDOR dangers can enhance Android API security, protect user data, and bolster application resilience.

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