A Context-Aware Framework for Analysing Automotive Vehicle Security

Recent advancements in technology have transformed conventional mechanical vehicles into sophisticated computer systems on wheels. This transition has elevated their intelligence and facilitated seamless connectivity. However, such development has also escalated the possibility of compromising the vehicle’s cyber security expanding the overall cyber threat landscape. This necessitates an increased demand for security measures that manifest flexibility and adaptability instead of static threshold-based measures. Context-awareness techniques can provide a promising direction for such security solutions. Integration of context-awareness in security analysis helps in analysing the behaviour of the environment where IoT devices are deployed, enabling adaptive decision-making that aligns with the current situation. While the incorporation of context-awareness into adaptive systems has been explored extensively, its application to support the cyber security of vehicular ecosystem is relatively new. In this paper, we proposed a context-aware conceptual framework for automotive vehicle security that allows us to analyse real-time situations thereby identifying security threats. The usability of the framework is demonstrated considering an Electric Vehicle(EV) Charging case study.

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