A Comparative Analysis of Explainable AI Techniques for Enhanced Model Interpretability

Machine learning models have become increasingly complex, making it difficult to understand how they make predictions. Explainable AI (XAI) techniques have been developed to enhance model interpretability, thereby improving model transparency, trust, and accountability. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of several XAI techniques to enhance the interpretability of machine learning models. We evaluate the performance of these techniques on a dataset commonly used for regression or classification tasks. The XAI techniques include SHAP, LIME, PDP, and GAM. We compare the effectiveness of these techniques in terms of their ability to explain model predictions and identify the most important features in the dataset. Our results indicate that XAI techniques significantly improve model interpretability, with SHAP and LIME being the most effective in identifying important features in the dataset. Our study provides insights into the strengths and limitations of different XAI techniques and their implications for the development and deployment of machine learning models. We conclude that XAI techniques have the potential to significantly enhance model interpretability and promote trust and accountability in the use of machine learning models. The paper emphasizes the importance of interpretability in medical applications of machine learning and highlights the significance of XAI techniques in developing accurate and reliable models for medical applications.

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