An Overview Of Interpretability Techniques For Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) In Deep Learning-Based Medical Image Analysis

In the past two years, technology has undergone significant changes that have had a major impact on healthcare systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key component of this change, and it can assist doctors with various healthcare systems and intelligent health systems. AI is crucial in diagnosing common diseases, developing new medications, and analyzing patient information from electronic health records. However, one of the main issues with adopting AI in healthcare is the lack of transparency, as doctors must interpret the output of the AI. Explainable AI (XAI) is extremely important for the healthcare sector and comes into play in this regard. With XAI, doctors, patients, and other stakeholders can more easily examine a decision s reliability by knowing its reasoning due to XAI s interpretable explanations. Deep learning is used in this study to discuss explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) in medical image analysis. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a generic six-category XAI architecture for classifying DL-based medical image analysis and interpretability methods.The interpretability method/XAI approach for medical image analysis is often categorized based on the explanation and technical method. In XAI approaches, the explanation method is further sub-categorized into three types: text-based, visual-based, and examples-based. In interpretability technical method, it was divided into nine categories. Finally, the paper discusses the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each neural network-based interpretability method for medical imaging analysis.

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