AI-Enhanced Multi-Cloud Security Management: Ensuring Robust Cybersecurity in Hybrid Cloud Environments

The complex landscape of multi-cloud settings is the result of the fast growth of cloud computing and the ever-changing needs of contemporary organizations. Strong cyber defenses are of fundamental importance in this setting. In this study, we investigate the use of AI in hybrid cloud settings for the purpose of multi-cloud security management. To help businesses improve their productivity and resilience, we provide a mathematical model for optimal resource allocation. Our methodology streamlines dynamic threat assessments, making it easier for security teams to efficiently priorities vulnerabilities. The advent of a new age of real-time threat response is heralded by the incorporation of AI-driven security tactics. The technique we use has real-world implications that may help businesses stay ahead of constantly changing threats. In the future, scientists will focus on autonomous security systems, interoperability, ethics, interoperability, and cutting-edge AI models that have been validated in the real world. This study provides a detailed road map for businesses to follow as they navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape of multi-cloud settings, therefore promoting resilience and agility in this era of digital transformation.

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