A Comprehensive Network Security Management in Virtual Private Network Environment

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become a communication medium for accessing information, data exchange and flow of information. Many organizations require Intranet or VPN, for data access, access to servers from computers and sharing different types of data among their offices and users. A secure VPN environment is essential to the organizations to protect the information and their IT infrastructure and their assets. Every organization needs to protect their computer network environment from various malicious cyber threats. This paper presents a comprehensive network security management which includes significant strategies and protective measures during the management of a VPN in an organization. The paper also presents the procedures and necessary counter measures to preserve the security of VPN environment and also discussed few Identified Security Strategies and measures in VPN. It also briefs the Network Security and their Policies Management for implementation by covering security measures in firewall, visualized security profile, role of sandbox for securing network. In addition, a few identified security controls to strengthen the organizational security which are useful in designing a secure, efficient and scalable VPN environment, are also discussed.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC)
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