Science of Security Lablet Quarterly Meeting at NCSU

Date: Jan 31, 2013 8:00 am – Feb 01, 2013 11:00 am
Location: North Carolina State University

Science of Security Quarterly Lablet Meeting
January 31 - February 1, 2013 | North Carolina State University | Engineering Building II, Room 3211

Track One: Hard Problems Workshops
Who: Faculty researchers and their students from all three institutions working on below hard problems
0900 - 1700

Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration: Room 3300
Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior: Room 3002

Purpose: share projects, identify areas of possible collaboration, discuss how to make joint progress on the hard problem

Track Two: Closed Session (Room 3211)
Who: Lablet PIs, NSA, and NSA guests
1400 - 1430 Reactions to the SoS Workshop
Useful? Should we have another? Timeframe? Changes suggested?
Peter Galison's 'trading zones' — useful to pursue?
1430 - 1515

Hard Problems

  • Have any of the researchers received feedback on the Hard Problems? Do we need to generate more interest? How?
  • Is there a piece of a hard problem we can bound and do a competition? —the aim would be to increase the awareness and use of science of security as well as solving a piece of the problem.
  • Schneider's map of research domains. What is the relation to the Hard Problems? Trading zones?
1515-1530 Paper competition: reaction of researchers
1530 - 1540 BREAK
1540 - 1600


  • Use?
  • Should we set up a private chat area where we discuss agenda, for instance?
1600 - 1630 Suggestions of ways to increase the research base doing Science of Security: What can we do to grow the base and establish the culture?
1630 - 1650 Questions? Need to report by the Federal fiscal year.
Possibility of NSA doing BAA for lablet.


The Pit
328 W. Davie Street
Raleigh, NC

OPEN Session (Room 3211)
0800 - 0845 Maturing Techniques for Running Empirical Studies
Laurie Williams
0845 - 0930 The Need for Science in System Behavior
Tom Longstaff
0930 - 1015 Outbrief of progress on Hard Problem #3: Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration
1015 - 1030 BREAK
1030 - 1115 Outbrief of progress on Hard Problem #5: Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior
1115 - 1200 Outbrief of lablets of seedling proposals that are near completion -- what was discovered, does is close or open other avenues for research?
(15 mins per school)
1200 - 1230 LUNCH
1230 - 1430

Lablet (UIUC & CMU) briefs:


The Science of Software Assurance: Costs and Risks of Component-Based Development
Jonathan Aldrich (with David Garlan)

Studies of User Behavior
Lorrie Cranor


Scalable Methods for Security Against Distributed Attacks
Gul Agha

New Project
Elsa Gunter

1430 - 1630

End formal meeting mid-afternoon with NSA interacting with local (NCSU) researchers

Brief address to researchers by NSA followed by poster sessions by researchers


  • Science of Security
  • PI Meeting
Submitted by Katie Dey on