Malware Image Classification using VGG16

Malware Classification - Methodologies used for the detection of malicious applications can be broadly classified into static and dynamic analysis based approaches. With traditional signature-based methods, new variants of malware families cannot be detected. A combination of deep learning techniques along with image-based features is used in this work to classify malware. The data set used here is the ‘Malimg’ dataset, which contains a pictorial representation of well-known malware families. This paper proposes a methodology for identifying malware images and classifying them into various families. The classification is based on image features. The features are extracted using the pre-trained model namely VGG16. The samples of malware are depicted as byteplot grayscale images. Features are extracted employing the convolutional layer of a VGG16 deep learning network, which uses ImageNet dataset for the pre-training step. The features are used to train different classifiers which employ SVM, XGBoost, DNN and Random Forest for the classification task into different malware families. Using 9339 samples from 25 different malware families, we performed experimental evaluations and demonstrate that our approach is effective in identifying malware families with high accuracy.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS)
Date Published
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