Understanding IoT Security: A Point-by-point Investigation of IoT Weaknesses and a First Exact Glance at Web Scale IoT Exploits

The surveillance factor impacting the Internet-of-Things (IoT) conceptual framework has recently received significant attention from the research community. To do this, a number of surveys covering a variety of IoT-centric topics, such as intrusion detection systems, threat modeling, as well as emerging technologies, were suggested. Stability is not a problem that can be handled separately. Each layer of the IoT solutions must be designed and built with security in mind. IoT security goes beyond safeguarding the network as well as data to include attacks that could be directed at human health or even life. We discuss the IoT s security challenges in this study. We start by going over some fundamental security ideas and IoT security requirements. Following that, we look at IoT market statistics and IoT security statistics to see where it is all headed and how to make your situation better by implementing appropriate security measures.

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