Vulnerability Assessment of Security Breach and Deadly Threat in Cloud Computing Environment

Cloud computing allows us to access available systems and pay for what we require whenever needed. When there is access to the internet, it uses some techniques like Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), virtualization, distributed computing, etc. Cloud computing has transformed the way people utilize and handle computer services. It enables sharing, pooling, and accessing resources on the Internet. It offers tremendous advantages that enhance the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of organizations, which is marked by security challenges or threats that can compromise data, service safety and privacy. This paper gives an overview of cloud computing and explores the threats and vulnerabilities related to cloud computing with its countermeasures. It also explores the recent advancement in cloud computing threats and countermeasures. Further, this paper highlights the case studies on recent attacks and vulnerabilities which are compromised. Finally, this paper concludes that cloud computing is efficiently used to mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities with its countermeasures.

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