An LSTM-based Intent Detector for Conversational Recommender Systems

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), many companies are moving towards automating their services using automated conversational agents. Dialogue-based conversational recommender agents, in particular, have gained much attention recently. The successful development of such systems in the case of natural language input is conditioned by the ability to understand the users’ utterances. Predicting the users’ intents allows the system to adjust its dialogue strategy and gradually upgrade its preference profile. Nevertheless, little work has investigated this problem so far. This paper proposes an LSTM-based Neural Network model and compares its performance to seven baseline Machine Learning (ML) classifiers. Experiments on a new publicly available dataset revealed The superiority of the LSTM model with 95% Accuracy and 94% F1-score on the full dataset despite the relatively small dataset size (9300 messages and 17 intents) and label imbalance.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring)
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