Practice on the Data Service of University Scientific Research Management Based on Cloud Computing

With the continuous development of computer technology, the coverage of informatization solutions covers all walks of life and all fields of society. For colleges and universities, teaching and scientific research are the basic tasks of the school. The scientific research ability of the school will affect the level of teachers and the training of students. The establishment of a good scientific research environment has become a more important link in the development of universities. SR(Scientific research) data is a prerequisite for SR activities. High-quality SR management data services are conducive to ensuring the quality and safety of SRdata, and further assisting the smooth development of SR projects. Therefore, this article mainly conducts research and practice on cloud computing-based scientific research management data services in colleges and universities. First, analyze the current situation of SR data management in colleges and universities, and the results show that the popularity of SR data management in domestic universities is much lower than that of universities in Europe and the United States, and the data storage awareness of domestic researchers is relatively weak. Only 46% of schools have developed SR data management services, which is much lower than that of European and American schools. Second, analyze the effect of CC(cloud computing )on the management of SR data in colleges and universities. The results show that 47% of SR believe that CC is beneficial to the management of SR data in colleges and universities to reduce scientific research costs and improve efficiency, the rest believe that CC can speed up data storage and improve security by acting on SR data management in colleges and universities.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 World Automation Congress (WAC)
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