"Qakbot Hackers Now Pushing Cyclops/Ransom Knight Ransomware, Cisco Says"

According to security researchers, the cybercriminals behind the Qakbot malware have shifted their focus to ransomware distribution. The report arrives weeks after law enforcement agencies from the US, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Romania, and Latvia collaborated to shut down one of the most prolific and longest-running botnets, Qakbot. Not only did the agencies close down Qakbot's computer infrastructure, but they also removed malware from infected devices. Researchers from Cisco Talos have reported that despite dismantling the Qakbot malware infrastructure, the hackers behind it were able to preserve their distribution tools, which are now being used to spread variants of the Cyclops/Ransom Knight ransomware and backdoor malware. This article continues to discuss the Qakbot hackers shifting their focus to distributing ransomware.

The Record reports "Qakbot Hackers Now Pushing Cyclops/Ransom Knight Ransomware, Cisco Says"

Submitted by grigby1


Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on