"CIA Exposed to Potential Intelligence Interception Due to X's URL Bug"

Kevin McSheehan, an ethical hacker, took over a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Telegram channel used to receive intelligence by exploiting a flaw in how X, formerly Twitter, truncates URLs. He discovered the issue after hovering over the link to the CIA's Telegram channel displayed on its X social media profile. Shortly after September 27, when the CIA updated its profile, the Telegram link shortened, cutting off part of the full username, which allowed McSheehan to register the new, unregistered handle. McSheehan said that he registered the account name as soon as he realized it was available to prevent any potential intelligence interceptions. Rather than shortening the URL in the X profile, the platform completely altered the link's path, leaving the CIA exposed to espionage campaigns. It was feared that a hostile nation could have exploited the same vulnerability to receive Western intelligence. This article continues to discuss the X URL bug that left the CIA exposed to potential intelligence interception.

The Register reports "CIA Exposed to Potential Intelligence Interception Due to X's URL Bug"

Submitted by grigby1


Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on