"Infostealers and the High Value of Stolen Data"

Trend Micro researchers created a risk matrix by comparing the 16 most active infostealer malware variants across Russian Market and 2easy.shop, two dark web marketplaces. It estimated how "at risk" a piece of stolen data is once it is in a cybercriminal's possession. Cryptocurrency wallets and website credentials were tied first because they are among the most monetizable types of data and the easiest to find on underground sites. Other categories, such as Wi-Fi credentials and desktop screenshots, are less risky because they are more difficult to sell and abuse. More specialized credential types, such as those used for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Virtual Private (VPN) software, were somewhere in the middle. This article continues to discuss Trend Micro's findings from the comparison of the 16 most active infostealer malware variants across two dark web marketplaces.

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Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on