"Ukraine Claims it Paralyzed Russia’s Tax System"

According to Ukraine, they have effectively crippled Russia's tax system.  The country's Ministry of Defense said its Defence Intelligence unit (GUR) conducted a "special operation" leading to the compromise of central servers of Russia's Federal Taxation Service (FTS) and over 2300 regional servers.  These extended across Russia and annexed territories in Ukraine, including Crimea.  The GUR noted that both these servers and those belonging to FTS contractor Office.ed-it.ru were reportedly infected with malware that wiped essential configuration files.  The GUR claimed it wiped an entire database of these files and backup copies, crippling tax systems inside Russia and enabling Ukrainian military intelligence to view all of Russia's tax data.  The GUR stated that communication between the central office in Moscow and the 2300 Russian territorial departments is paralyzed, as well as between Russia's federal taxation service and Office.ed-it.ru, which was the tax data center.  The GUR claimed that the FTS had been trying to restore its systems for four days without success following the operation and would likely be out of action for at least a month.


Infosecurity reports: "Ukraine Claims it Paralyzed Russia’s Tax System"

Submitted by Adam Ekwall on