"Novel Android Malware Steals Card NFC Data For ATM Withdrawals"

A new Android malware phishes card details and sends them to an attacker for ATM withdrawals. According to researchers at ESET, the crimeware campaign has targeted customers at three Czech banks. After a multi-stage phishing campaign, the victim unknowingly downloads "NGate" malware. After it is installed and opened, NGate displays a fake website that requests the victim's banking information and sends it to the attacker's server. The feature named "NFCGate" relays Near Field Communication (NFC) data between victim and attacker devices. This article continues to discuss findings regarding the new Android malware that steals card NFC data for ATM withdrawals.

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Novel Android Malware Steals Card NFC Data For ATM Withdrawals"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on