"Companies Turn to War Games to Spot Scarce Cybersecurity Talent"

An annual U.K. cybersecurity competition aims to help address the severe workforce shortage within the cybersecurity job market by raising awareness and encouraging the pursuance of careers in the cybersecurity field. The Cyber Security Challenge U.K., provides a series of games in which participants can assess their cybersecurity skills. Players who achieve high scores are invited to participate in regional competitions. Top performers within the regional competitions are asked to further participate in a masterclass and a team-based competition. As finalists show promise in successfully applying their skills, they are usually hired into cybersecurity jobs following the completion of the challenge. This article further discusses the details of the competition in pertinence to its goals, support, development, practices, and results.  



Bloomberg reports "Companies Turn to War Games to Spot Scarce Cybersecurity Talent"

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