"Highly Secure Physically Unclonable Cryptographic Primitives Based on Interfacial Magnetic Anisotropy"

An advancement has been made by a team of researchers towards better information security for the Internet of Things. A new type of physically unclonable function (PUF) has been designed by the researchers, which is based on interfacial magnetic anisotropy energy (IAE). PUFs can be thought of as an inherent electronic fingerprint of each device. In addition, PUFs can be leveraged as an authentication method as well as a secret key storage. This article continues to discuss the IAE-PUF designed by researchers and the use of PUFs in the improvement of IoT security.

Phys.org reports "Highly Secure Physically Unclonable Cryptographic Primitives Based on Interfacial Magnetic Anisotropy"

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