"Researchers Trick Tesla Autopilot into Steering into Oncoming Traffic"

Researchers from Tecent's Keen Security Lab were able to deceive the Enhanced Autopilot feature of a Tesla Model S 75 into steering towards oncoming traffic by placing small stickers on the ground. Tesla's Enhanced Autopilot gathers information pertaining to obstacles, terrain, and lane changes through the use of cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and radar. This information is then fed to onboard computers, which use machine learning in order to form judgements. According to researchers, the strategic placement of stickers on the road can make the Autopilot steer into the wrong lane. This article continues to discuss the capabilities of Tesla's Enhanced Autopilot, how researchers fooled this feature, other vulnerabilities, and other research surrounding the manipulation of self-driving cars by altering the environment. 

Ars Technica reports "Researchers Trick Tesla Autopilot into Steering into Oncoming Traffic"

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