"Security Flaws in a Popular Smart Home Hub Let Hackers Unlock Front Doors"

Security researchers, Chase Dardaman and Jason Wheeler, discovered security flaws in the popular ZipaMicro smart hub developed by Zipato. These flaws could be exploited by hackers to unlock front doors using a smart lock. According to researchers, security flaws in smart home hubs such as the ZipaMicro could be abused by landlords to enter a tenant's home as such devices can control a home's smart devices, including smart front door locks. The discovery further emphasizes the importance of improving the security of smart home technology. This article continues to discuss the security flaws discovered in the ZipaMicro smart home hub, the possible exploitation of these flaws by attackers, and Zipato's response to this discovery. 

TechCrunch reports "Security Flaws in a Popular Smart Home Hub Let Hackers Unlock Front Doors"

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