"WPI Researchers Discover Vulnerabilities Affecting Billions Of Computer Chips"

An international team of researchers led by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) security researchers Berk Sunar and Daniel Moghimi, found flaws that affect Intel and STMicroelectronics CPUs. These security vulnerabilities impact billions of devices, including laptops, servers, tablets, and desktops. The flaws are contained by trusted platform modules (TPMs), which are specialized, tamper-resistant computer chips with cryptographic functionality to prevent unauthorized access to devices. According to researchers, the exploitation of the newly discovered vulnerabilities in TPMs could allow hackers to execute timing side-channel attacks to steal cryptographic keys stored by the chips. Using the stolen cryptographic keys, hackers can alter encrypted information, forge digital signatures, and more. This article continues to discuss the new vulnerabilities found in computer chips made by Intel Corp. and STMicroelectronics. 

Science Blog reports "WPI Researchers Discover Vulnerabilities Affecting Billions Of Computer Chips"

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