"Cultural Differences Account for Global Gap in Online Regulation"

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Birmingham suggests the correlation between a country's cultural values and their commitment to cybersecurity regulation. The study suggests that web users in more competitive national cultures are more likely to be risk-takers, calling for stricter regulation, while web users in less competitive cultures take fewer risks, prompting lighter cybersecurity regulation. For example, China's culture is more competitive, thus creating more risk-taking web users and resulting in the enforcement of stricter cybersecurity regulation. Risky behavior in regard to cybersecurity, personal data, privacy, cybercrime, and negligence includes, but is not limited to using unsecured Wi-Fi connections, allowing web browsers to remember passwords, and visiting potentially harmful websites on devices that do not have anti-virus protection software installed. This article continues to discuss the study and its findings in relation to how cultures contribute to global differences in online regulation. 

EurekAlert! reports "Cultural Differences Account for Global Gap in Online Regulation"

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