"USC Kicks Off 50-State Election Cybersecurity Trainings"

The University of Southern California (USC) is making an effort to bolster election cybersecurity through its nonpartisan and independent 50-state election cybersecurity training initiative. Training is provided in each state to participants via daylong workshops. These workshops are created to help increase knowledge and awareness among state and local election officials,  and campaign officials about how they can strengthen defenses against cyberattacks. Academics and non-governmental organizations are also welcome to participate in this initiative. Increasing understanding regarding crisis management approaches as well as the protection of campaigns against misinformation and disinformation is also the goal of these workshops. This article continues to discuss the election security initiative led by the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy pertaining to its structure, goals, and support. 

Homeland Security News Wire reports "USC Kicks Off 50-State Election Cybersecurity Trainings"

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