"Why 2020 Will Be the Year Artificial Intelligence Stops Being Optional for Security"

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly growing in implementation by organizations. Security professionals expect large organizations of all types to find AI-based tools necessary for the protection of their assets from cyberattacks by the end of 2020. Although using AI in cybersecurity operations is not a foolproof solution, this advanced technology can be beneficial to organizations in several different ways. Professionals within organizations' security operations (SOCs) can use AI to reduce the rising risks and costs associated with data breaches. As state-sponsored cyberattacks against organizations continue to grow in frequency and sophistication, SOCs are embracing AI technology more to assist in the detection and containment of such threats. AI-based cybersecurity tools can also allow organizations to perform better even with smaller SOC teams. This article continues to discuss why the use of AI by organizations in cybersecurity operations is growing. 

Security Intelligence reports "Why 2020 Will Be the Year Artificial Intelligence Stops Being Optional for Security"

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