"Google Sees Millions of COVID-19-Related Malicious Emails Daily"

Google has observed a significant surge in the daily distribution of COVID-19-related malware and phishing emails. According to the Internet giant, they are blocking more than 240 million coronavirus-themed spam messages and 18 million malware and phishing emails every day. These numbers further highlight the exploitation of awareness and fear surrounding the pandemic. Some of the phishing emails appear to come from the World Health Organization (WHO), while other messages seem to be sent from employers or the government pertaining to business stimulus packages or work assignments. As remote work increases, organizations must ensure that their employees are aware of cybersecurity best practices for protecting themselves from phishing attacks and other threats. This article continues to discuss the millions of COVID-19 related malicious emails being blocked by Google daily, the tactics used in the phishing emails, the importance of cybersecurity awareness training for employees, and the number coronavirus-themed phishing emails detected by Microsoft. 

Infosecurity Magazine reports "Google Sees Millions of COVID-19-Related Malicious Emails Daily"


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