"Your Email Threads Are Now Being Hijacked by The QBot Trojan"

QBot Trojan operators are using new tactics to hijack legitimate, emailed conversations to steal credentials and financial data.  Researchers at Check Point warn that Microsoft Outlook users are susceptible to a module designed to collect and compromise email threads on infected machines.  A new variant of QBot, detected in several campaigns between March and August of this year, is being deployed as a malicious payload by operators of the Emotet Trojan. The researchers estimate that one campaign in July impacted roughly 5% of organizations worldwide.   QBot can steal browsing data, email records, banking credentials, perform browser web injections, and install malicious payloads. QBot also connects infected machines as slave nodes in a wider botnet, which could be weaponized to conduct distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

ZDNet reports: "Your Email Threads Are Now Being Hijacked by The QBot Trojan"

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