"560 Healthcare Providers Fell Victim to Ransomware Attacks in 2020"

The cybersecurity form Emsisoft released a report on the state of ransomware in the US, which reveals that at least 2,354 US government, healthcare, and schools were impacted by ransomware attacks in 2020. Emsisoft data shows that 560 healthcare provide facilities fell victim to ransomware attacks last year. The education sector faced the highest number of successful attacks, with 1,681 schools, colleges, and universities impacted by ransomware attacks. Federal, state, and municipal governments and agencies disclosed 113 successful ransomware attacks.  According to Emsisoft's report, the second half of 2020 saw the greatest impact from ransomware attacks. Ransomware attacks on healthcare providers had resulted in Electronic Health Record (EHR) downtime, the diversion of ambulances, the inaccessibility of lab tests, and other life-threatening disruptions. Emsisoft predicts twice as many more cases of data theft in 2021 than there were in 2020 due to the continued advancement of attack methods used by cybercriminals. Healthcare providers, in particular, are urged to adopt a proactive approach to strengthening cybersecurity. Microsoft, the Office for Civil Rights, the FBI, and the CISA have provided insights that can help security leaders combat the ransomware threat. This article continues to discuss findings shared by Emsisoft's report regarding ransomware attacks faced by the US healthcare sector and other sectors in 2020, as well as predictions about cyberattacks in 2021.

HealthITSecurity reports "560 Healthcare Providers Fell Victim to Ransomware Attacks in 2020"

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