"Linux Devices Under Attack by New FreakOut Malware"

Researchers at Check Point Research have discovered a novel malware variant is targeting Linux devices.  The malware is called FreakOut.  FreakOut has various capabilities, including port scanning, information gathering, and data packet and network sniffing.  The malware is actively adding infected Linux devices to a botnet and can launch DDoS, network flooding attacks, and cryptomining activities.  The malware first targets Linux devices with specific products that have not been patched against various flaws.  These include a critical remote command execution flaw (CVE-2020-28188) in TerraMaster TOS (TerraMaster Operating System).  Versions before 4.2.06 are affected by the flaw.  The malware also targets a critical deserialization glitch (CVE-2021-3007) in Zend Framework, a popular collection of library packages used for building web applications. This flaw exists in versions higher than Zend Framework 3.0.0.  A critical deserialization of untrusted data issue (CVE-2020-7961) in Liferay Portal is also targeted. Versions affected include 7.2.1 CE GA2. Researchers are advising organizations to check any of these devices urgently and update and patch them to fix these vulnerabilities as soon as possible.  

Threatpost reports: "Linux Devices Under Attack by New FreakOut Malware"

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