"#DataPrivacyDay: Leaks and Breaches Soared 93% in 2020"

Researchers at Imperva and Entrust have found that breaches and leaks of sensitive information from organizations doubled last year, even as consumer concerns over data privacy surged.  Unauthorized transmissions of data from organizations’ networks to external destinations soared 93% in 2020.  The researchers stated that it is silly to believe that only human access to data leads to compromise. Over 50% of access requests to databases are coming not from users but from application to application.  During the study, participants in a survey told the researchers that they are concerned about data privacy, and 64% said their awareness about the issue has increased over the past 12 months.  However, many (63%) were willing to hand over more information to applications in return for greater personalization. Nearly half of the participants said they don’t review the T&Cs of an app before downloading, most claiming it was because they take too long to read.

Infosecurity reports: "#DataPrivacyDay: Leaks and Breaches Soared 93% in 2020"

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