"Ransomware Group Threatens DC Cops with Informant Data Leak"

Washington DC’s police department has reportedly been hit by Russian-speaking ransomware threat actors who claim to have stolen sensitive information.  The group behind the attack is called Babuk.  The Babuk group has given the police three days to pay the ransom.  If they do not pay up, the threat actors are threatening to provide the stolen data to local gangs.  As is usually the case with “double extortion” ransomware attempts like this, the group has posted screenshots of the stolen data on a dark web-hosted website.  The information posted on the dark web by the Babuk gang includes intelligence reports, gang conflicts, jail census, network locations, and other administrative files.  The District of Columbia’s Metropolitan Police Department released a short statement claiming they were aware of unauthorized access on their server but have failed to confirm the ransomware reports.


Infosecurity reports: "Ransomware Group Threatens DC Cops with Informant Data Leak"

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