"The Quantum Security Era Is Coming – Here's How Leaders Can Prepare for It"
Quantum computers promise transformative power for certain types of complex computational problems, such as advanced statical modeling in the financial sector, accelerated research and development for pharmaceutical companies, and a more efficient supply chain in the automotive industry. However, quantum computers must manage a specific risk for maximum transformative gains. The risk is that the cryptography used to secure many digital activities, such as Internet browsing and online banking, will be broken by sufficiently powerful quantum computers. Concerns ignited in the security community over reports that researchers may already be able to break a common type of cryptography on an existing quantum computer underscores the gravity of this threat and how unprepared we are if these reports are real. In addition, attackers may already be performing Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL) attacks. These attacks involve capturing sensitive data, such as personal health information or military secrets, today and storing it until a sufficiently powerful quantum computer emerges to decrypt it. If this happens while the data remains sensitive, the repercussions could be severe. Therefore, organizations must act immediately to learn and prepare to mitigate the threat posed by quantum computers. This article continues to discuss quantum computers potentially becoming a threat without better quantum security, as well as how organizations could prepare for the quantum security era.