"DarkBeam Leaks Billions of Email and Password Combinations"

DarkBeam, a digital risk protection company, exposed records containing user emails and passwords from previously reported and unreported data breaches by leaving an Elasticsearch and Kibana interface unprotected. According to Bob Diachenko, CEO of SecurityDiscovery, who discovered the leak, the now-closed instance contained more than 3.8 billion records. The incident is likely to affect more than just DarkBeam users. There were 16 collections named "email 0-9" and "email A-F" that contained 239,635,000 records each. Exposing collections of login pairings (i.e., email addresses and passwords) presents a significant risk because it gives malicious actors nearly limitless attack capabilities. This article continues to discuss the billions of email and password combinations leaked by DarkBeam and what people should do if one or more of their passwords are leaked.

Cybernews reports "DarkBeam Leaks Billions of Email and Password Combinations"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on