"EPA Withdraws Water Sector Cybersecurity Rules Due to Lawsuits"

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently withdrew cybersecurity rules for public water systems due to lawsuits filed by states and non-profit water associations.  The EPA announced in March that it would require states to report on cybersecurity threats in their public water system audits.  Soon after the new cybersecurity requirements were announced, the attorney generals of Missouri, Arkansas, and Iowa took legal action to challenge the EPA’s memo, arguing that meeting the new requirements would put a significant financial burden on small towns.  The American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the National Rural Water Association (NRWA) joined the lawsuits, questioning the legality of the requirements.  A court ordered the EPA in July to pause the new rules while the case was being tried.  


SecurityWeek reports: "EPA Withdraws Water Sector Cybersecurity Rules Due to Lawsuits"

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