"Researcher Claims to Crack RSA-2048 With Quantum Computer"

A scientist claims to have created a low-cost system for using quantum computing to crack RSA, the world's most commonly used public key algorithm. However, multiple cryptographers and security experts have expressed skepticism regarding the claim. The scientist making the claim is Ed Gerck, who, according to his LinkedIn profile, is a quantum computing developer at Planalto Research, a company he founded. Gerck shared a preprint of a research paper titled "QC Algorithms: Faster Calculation of Prime Numbers" in which he and his collaborator Ann Gerck say they applied a quantum mechanics-based system that can be run using off-the-shelf hardware. This article continues to discuss the researcher claiming to have cracked RSA-2048 using quantum computing and the skepticism surrounding this claim. 

BankInfoSecurity reports "Researcher Claims to Crack RSA-2048 With Quantum Computer"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on