"The Smart Home Tech Inside Your Home Is Less Secure Than You Think, New Northeastern Research Finds"

New research by David Choffnes, an associate professor of computer science at Northeastern University, and a team of others explores the privacy and security flaws of smart home devices, also known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The team tested 93 IoT devices to see how they interacted within a local network for the study. They discovered security flaws in the way these devices' mobile apps work. According to Choffnes, Google has acknowledged their findings and is collaborating with them to develop mitigation efforts that could be implemented through the Android operating system, app review processes, and general IoT standardization steps. This article continues the team's research that uncovered security and privacy vulnerabilities in smart home devices. 

Northeastern University reports "The Smart Home Tech Inside Your Home Is Less Secure Than You Think, New Northeastern Research Finds"

Submitted by grigby1


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