"Securing Space: NASA Funds Innovative AI, Blockchain Project at University of Miami for Nanosatellite Cybersecurity"

NASA is leading a project through the University of Miami's Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC) that seeks to improve the security of satellite communication in space. The project aims to integrate nanosatellites with traditional large satellites as well as address the cybersecurity challenges associated with their communication networks. NASA approached Dr. Yelena Yesha, the Knight Foundation Endowed Chair and Director of IDSC AI and Machine Learning at the University of Miami, to address the critical issue of cybersecurity in satellite communication. The resulting project explores the effectiveness of emerging zero-trust architectures for small satellite networks. This article continues to discuss the project on enhancing the security of satellite communication in space.

CoinTrust reports "Securing Space: NASA Funds Innovative AI, Blockchain Project at University of Miami for Nanosatellite Cybersecurity"

Submitted by grigby1

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