"VX-Underground Malware Collective Framed by Phobos Ransomware"

The ransomware hunter PCrisk discovered a new Phobos ransomware variant that attempts to frame the popular VX-Underground malware-sharing collective. Phobos emerged in 2018 as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) derived from the Crysis ransomware family. A group of threat actors manages the development of the ransomware and holds the master decryption key, while other threat actors serve as affiliates to infiltrate networks and encrypt devices. This article continues to discuss the new Phobos ransomware variant trying to frame the VX-Underground community.

Bleeping Computer reports "VX-Underground Malware Collective Framed by Phobos Ransomware"

Submitted by grigby1 

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on