"US And China Race to Shield Secrets From Quantum Computers"

According to the team from Quantum Defen5e (QD5), the secrets of the US and other countries could someday be exposed due to quantum computers. Tilo Kunz, executive vice president of QD5, told Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) officials that the world could reach "Q-day" as early as 2025, when quantum computers render current encryption methods useless. Machines far more powerful than today's fastest supercomputers would be capable of cracking codes protecting nearly all modern communication. Kunz emphasized that a global effort to steal data is underway so that intercepted messages can be decoded after Q-day in Harvest Now, Decrypt Later (HNDL) attacks. This article continues to discuss the race to protect secrets from quantum computers.

Reuters reports "US And China Race to Shield Secrets From Quantum Computers"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on