"Telecom Organizations in Africa Targeted by Iran-Linked Hackers"

According to researchers, MuddyWater, a cyber espionage group linked to Iran's intelligence service has been targeting telecommunications companies in Egypt, Sudan, and Tanzania. Marc Elias, a threat intelligence analyst at Symantec, says this is likely the first time the MuddyWater group has targeted organizations in Africa. In previously reported attacks, the hackers were mainly interested in entities in the Middle East. There is no evidence that the hackers stole information in the attacks involving the unnamed telecommunications companies, but based on their previous campaigns, it is highly likely that the goal of this campaign was espionage. This article continues to discuss the Iran-linked MuddyWater group targeting telecommunications companies in Egypt, Sudan, and Tanzania.

The Record reports "Telecom Organizations in Africa Targeted by Iran-Linked Hackers"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on