"Sophisticated JaskaGO Infostealer Targets macOS and Windows"

AT&T Alien Labs researchers discovered JaskaGO, a previously undetected Go-based information stealer that targets Windows and macOS systems. JaskaGO supports a wide range of commands and maintains persistence in various ways. The malware's macOS variant was discovered in July 2023, spreading in the form of installers for pirated legitimate software such as CapCut or AnyConnect. According to the researchers, the recent malware sample still has a low detection rate. When executed, the malware displays a fake error message claiming a missing file to trick the user into thinking the malicious code failed to execute. In addition, the malware runs a series of checks to avoid execution in a virtualized environment. This article continues to discuss the JaskaGO stealer malware.

Security Affairs reports "Sophisticated JaskaGO Infostealer Targets macOS and Windows"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on