"ESET Threat Report: ChatGPT Name Abuses, Lumma Stealer Malware Increases, Android SpinOk SDK Spyware's Prevalence"

ESET has released its H2 2023 threat report, which highlights cybercriminals' use of the ChatGPT name, the rise of the Lumma Stealer malware, the Android SpinOk Software Development Kit (SDK) spyware, and other issues. In the second half of 2023, ESET blocked 650,000 attempts to access malicious domains with "chatgpt" or a similar string in the name. Lumma Stealer, also known as LummaC2 Stealer, is a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) threat that targets multiple cryptocurrency wallets, user credentials, and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) browser extensions. It also has exfiltration capabilities, making it a tool that could be used for both financial fraud and cyber espionage. Lumma Stealer deployment tripled between H1 and H2 2023. ESET identified a mobile marketing SDK known as SpinOk spyware as the seventh most detected Android threat for H2 2023. This article continues to discuss key findings from ESET's H2 2023 threat report. 

TechRepublic reports "ESET Threat Report: ChatGPT Name Abuses, Lumma Stealer Malware Increases, Android SpinOk SDK Spyware's Prevalence"

Submitted by grigby1

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