"API Security in 2024: Predictions and Trends"

The complexity of Application Programming Interface (API) security continues to grow as technology advances. The rise of APIs in modern applications and services calls for organizations to better understand their API environments and the operational risks that APIs pose. Graylog CEO Andy Grolnick highlights several key trends and predictions that will shape the API security landscape in 2024. According to Grolnick, the number of targeted application-level attacks will increase. Malicious actors will target specific banks or financial institutions, opening accounts or using applications to infiltrate systems and cause disruptions. Hackers are aware that most organizations have network-level security solutions in place, leaving APIs exposed and vulnerable to being attacked. Traditional perimeter defenses are no longer adequate to protect APIs as the sophistication of hackers' methods for gaining authorized user access grows. This article continues to discuss API security 2024 predictions and trends.

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Submitted by grigby1

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